WWII Banquet 4-7-2017 Charley Geiger (left) Battle of the Bugle Veteran and Crispy Warrior Sam Lombardo, Charley Geiger (middle man TBD) Bill McCowen, Neil McGillicuddy Bill McCowen Clint and Bill McCowen Bill and Helen McCowen Lisa McCowen and Sam Lombardo Reception Room for the WWII Veterans Neil McGillicuddy and Lisa McCowen Sam Lombardo with friends Sam Lombardo, Bill McCowen and Clint McCowen Vandi Vela, Sam Lombardo, Bill McCowen, Helen McCowen, Lisa McCowen Bill, Clint, Lisa McCowen Lisa helping WWII Veterans to line up for photos Charley Geiger (seated left) and Bill McCowen (standing right) WWII Veterans Photo – Dick Cole (seated 1st row) Charley Geiger and Bill McCowen (rear right) Bill and Helen McCowen on the way to the Banquet Hall Colonel Rene Leon, wife Jane with son and daughter greeting Bill McCowen The Leon Family graciously sponsored this entire table! Greeting Helen McCowen Leon Family greeting Fred Baber (WWII Vet) and son Andy (blue stripe shirt) Bill and Helen McCowen chatting with Col Rene Leon Fred Baber, Lisa and Clint McCowen, Bill and Helen McCowen Bill and Helen McCowen, Rene and Jane Leon Andy and Fred Baber (son and father) Sam Lombardo (middle) and Vandi Vela (right) Andy and Fred Baber smiling and having a great time! Charley Geiger on the projection screen on the wall Lt. Col Sam Lombardo on the wall projection screen Lt. Col William (Bill) McCowen on the wall projection screen Banquet Hall filled with people honoring our WWII Veterans (estimate 400 people) Charley Geiger (middle) and Neil McGillicuddy (right) Andy Baber (left) and WWII Veteran Fred Baber chatting with Lisa McCowen Fred Baber on the wall projection screen Interviews on the stage commencing Richard Cole (left – last Doolittle Raider) and ______________ TBD Lisa and Clint McCowen, Bill and Helen McCowen Andy Baber standing on behalf of his Dad Fred Baber when Fred is recognized from the stage The extremely gracious Leon Family saying good night to Bill McCowen Sam Lombardo made the FRONT page of the local paper!